Friday, August 31, 2007

Day 7

Today was quite an uneventful day, for me at least. We had our usual Honey Puffs for breakfast and lounged around for a little while.

I decided it was time to start working since I could use our landlords internet. I remoted into my computer in Washington while Dave made some phone calls for car insurance. I hadn’t been receiving too many emails at work, so that was nice. Not too much to have to sort through or urgent projects to attend to.

At noon we had the rest of the left over stir fry and some random food from the kitchen. Once we finished lunch, I worked on the inventory while Dave plucked away at the car insurance. A little while later Dave went into town and I went over the inventory with Aaron. He worked on fixing a few things around the apartment while I did some work on the computer. I have one important project for work that I’m not very motivated to do. So today I worked on that for a little while but worked on a lot of other files in between.

Dave was able to set up our car insurance and for a reasonable price. He also set up our modem for the internet and put 10 Euros worth on our Skype account. What would I do without him? In town he dropped off a few of his resumes (or CV’s as they call them down here) and found that there is an opening at the Medlab in town. Hopefully something will come up soon.

Tonight we had these fried triangle things with veggies inside. They were quite tasty. I cooked them up in oil while Dave finished setting up Skype. We ate dinner and watched the rest of Edward Scissorhands.

One more thing, Dave mentioned something tonight that I hadn’t even thought of. I never left the apartment today. I didn’t even go outside. I never got fresh air. Wow, I hope it’s not always like that. I need to get a life.

1 comment:

Becca said...

i think this is my new favorite blog!! it sounds like things are going really well so far. especially with your landlord...what are great connection to have! Miss you tons!