Sunday, September 26, 2010

Laser Eye Surgery

Yesterday I had laser eye surgery. It was aweful. Apparently most people say it didn't hurt and it was fast, well that was not my case. They escorted Dave out to the waiting room because it was kind of tight quarters in the surgery rooms. While waiting to go in for surgery I had to sign a whole bunch of papers saying I can't sue them, complications could arise, I could possibly lose my vision, etc, etc, which really started to freak me out. I was totally fine going into the surgery. Even the days before surgery, people kept asking me if I was scared and I would say how excited I was and I just wanted to get it done already. But now, waiting there in a small room with two other people awaiting surgery, I got really nervous.

They brought me into the surgery room and it was freezing. They gave me a blanket which was the only nice part of the surgery. I had to lie down and they put a bunch of drops in my eyes. They started with my right eye. Then the doctor put this wire-type contraption that keeps your eye open. That hurt and was really uncomfortable. Then they started putting on this round/oval thing that had to "suction" to my eye. That's what hurt the most. It felt like all the blood was going to my eye and it was going to be pulled out of my head. It fell off the first time and so they had to try again. Once they got it on, the laser went to work. I couldn't see anything and one of the nurses in the room just kept saying, "Don't move. Hold still. There is no light." It was kind of creepy. I was still in this awkward, tensed up position, so I had to stay like that the whole time because I was afraid of moving the slightest bit. Then the doctor would also take this swab and wipe around the outside of my eyelids and that hurt. I'd say that whole process took about 5 minutes.

Onto the left eye. Once again they put the wire contraption to keep my lids open. Next the round suction thing. First try. No luck. Second try. No luck. Third try. No luck. By then my eye was in a lot of pain and I was starting to cry. The doctor said I had to do a different kind of lasik procedure on that eye because my eye was too small. So I was sitting on the table crying and had to fill out new paperwork for the new surgery. I wanted to ask if Dave could come back and be with me, but I thought they would say there wasn't enough room. I think I was crying because my eyes hurt, but also because I was afraid there had been a complication or there would be one with this other surgery. I was just freaked out.

I went into another room to do the PRK surgery on my left eye instead of Intra-lase which was done on my right eye. I had calmed down a little bit and hoped for the best. I had to lie down once more and have the wire clamp put on my eye. That thing is so uncomfortable. I had to look at a green light during the surgery. Every now and then the doctor would use that swab and wipe around my eyelids. That was so painful. While looking at the green light, it got really blurry and I got worried. And to make things worse, at one point the doctor said, "Wow, you wore you're contacts for a very long time. You have a lot of scarring on your cornea." He didn't say if it was ok and nothing would be a problem with that. He just left it at that. So that freaked me out. That surgery probably took around another 5 minutes or so.

All in all, I'd have to saw it was a pretty aweful experience. I had two main problems: (1) I think my main problem was the size of my eyes. Because I have smaller eyes than most people, it was a lot harder for them to get the instruments on them. (2) I wish the doctor or nurses would have explained to me what they were going to do right before they do it. Don't just say open my eyes and then all of a sudden put drops in them. Don't just say open your eyes and then start jamming a wire clamp in it. Tell me what's happening. I guess I should have spoken up, but I didn't want to move and I didn't want to bother the doctor.

I'm glad I did it. I'm glad it's over with. I didn't and still don't have any pain after the surgery. Just a tiny bit of discomfort in my left eye because the PRK surgery can be a little bit more painful. The vision in my right eye is great. It's still a little blurry on my left, but that will clear up in a while. Now I'm just worried about the huge red spots all over my eyes. I know people say they got them, and they'll go away, I'm just worried that won't be my case. Plus I'm afraid if I get any auditions, they'll see my eyes and say no right away. Oh well. I'm excited to be able to see without contacts or glasses. I think this will help with my dry eyes in the future. I can't wait to be all better.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Labor Day Weekend BBQ & Outdoor Movie Night

For labor day weekend, Dave and I invited friends over for a BBQ and an outdoor movie. Inspired by an Outdoor Cinema Food Festival we went to a couple weeks ago, we decided to have our own with cheaper food and better seats. Our friend Jenny works for an equipment company and was able to get us a projector and screen to use for free. Love the hookups!

The spread.

We first ate and played a little Wii.

Archery anyone?

The peeps just chillin'.

The awesome equipment setup. Dave is a genius with electronics!

We set the screen up in our tiny yard, but it was just enough room for everyone and everything.

Ready. Aim. Fire.

Watching Dawn of the Dead. It was a great night!

White Coat Ceremony

Dave has finally started dental school and we're loving it! Here are pictures from his White Coat Ceremony during his first week of orientation.

I got a ribbon that said "Super Spouse".

They jumping the gun and started sporting their white coats.

Dave made some new friends.

Some important people who spoke at the ceremony.

Putting on their white coats.

Dave is still trying to put his white coat on.

Almost over.

Bye Dr. Dave!

I had to take a picture of these ladies. They all had poofy hair, fake nails and designer bags. These were the four incredibly annoying ladies who sat in front of me. Not only did they" save" four seats by me that never got filled, they talked quite loudly to each other the entire time, and passed around bags of nuts, chips and other random articles of food.
"Tommy Trojan."

Dave and Jacob being professional.

Getting a picture with Tommy Trojan.

This is Dave's work station at school.

All the work stations.
May I look around in your mouth?

Hmm, I think you have a cavitity on your lower left bicusped. That's me, pretending to know dental terminology. I'm sure Dave will read this and chuckle at my poor attempt to sound smart.

Hi, my name is Dr. Kraayenbrink. I will be your dentist today. Please have a seat.