Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I'm in Business!

I'm in business! Well, sort of. I have a friend who has two weddings to go to this summer, so I've been comissioned to make two. Cool. I have a lot of details and such to figure out, so these first ones will be a learning experience. I'm kind of excited about this.

Heres a picture of mine framed.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Early Wedding Anniversary Gift

When Josh & Suzy got married, one of their friends gave them a gift of this drawing with their names spelled in the shapes of a bride and groom. It was so cute! I wanted one, so I took a picture of theirs and drew up my own the other night.

And here's the finished product that I will give Dave when he comes home from his trip.

Maybe I'll start a little side business and sell these to people. Anyone have a wedding coming up soon and need a good gift? :)