Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Homemade Sushi

Tonight Dave and I were feeling creative and decided to make our own sushi. Here's how it went:

The rice:

The stuffing (carrots, cucumbers, avocados):
The seaweed and the rolling mat:
Spreading the rice :
Rolling it up:
Placing the veggies:
Cutting the roll:
The final product:Showing off our fine work:

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Auckland Adventure

It was a two and a half hour drive to Auckland. We first stopped at the Botanical Gardens on our way into the city center. They were ok. I think they are a lot better in the summer, at least I would hope so. There weren’t that many flowers in bloom.

We drove into the city center and headed straight for the Sky Tower. It was noon so we stopped at KFC for lunch. Yum. We stopped at Minus 5° to make reservations. Then we headed to the Lion Beer Brewery. We hadn’t made reservations and it was completely booked. We asked if was possible that someone might cancel and we could get in. There were three others who were doing the same thing and we thought, might as well. I guess someone did cancel because all five of us waiting were able to get into the tour.

The tour started with a Star Wars inspired 2D hologram video and we walked through certain parts of the brewery. In the end we hung out in a bar and everyone had a beer. More like a few beers. I didn’t have any. I tried this Ginger Beer drink which was incredibly nasty. I kept taking a sip thinking it would get better – it didn’t. I’ll stick with Root Beer.

After the brewery we went to our hotel and checked in. We watched the end of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on TV and looked for a place to eat. We called the Sky Tower to see how much their all you can eat seafood buffet was and what the revolving restaurant was like. They both sounded good, but everything was full.

We called the front desk and the lady said there was a lot nice restaurants right down the street from our hotel. She mentioned there was a Thai or Indian or Mexican restaurant. We wanted Thai. Dave found a restaurant called Java House that we thought sounded good. We crossed the street and were there. It was this quaint little restaurant in the back of a building that you had to walk through an alley to get to.

I ordered Pad Thai while Dave had something with chicken and was a little more spicy. It was delicious. We both had chocolate gelato for dessert which was really yummy too.

After dinner it was time for the bar. It was so cool, literally. We put on big furry coats and gloves,which they provided, before entering the bar. There weren’t very many people, which was kind of nice. The bar was much smaller than we had expected. It was just one small room. But it was still really cool. It had a bunch of different ice sculptures. The chairs were ice. The walls were ice. The bar was ice. The glasses were ice. Our cover charge included one free drink. I ordered the Santa’s Sleigh while Dave had the Frisky Penguin. They all had a fruit Smirnoff vodka and a couple other ingredients. They were both really good. Mine was more strawberry and raspberry, while Dave had a stronger apple taste.

We stayed in the bar for a half hour which is your allotted time. We had our picture taken and just hung out. We were ready to get out after our thirty minutes. Once we were out, we bought our picture package and headed back to the hotel.

On the walk back to the car we saw a Pizza Hut scooter and got the craving for a late night snack. At the hotel we ordered pizza and watched the All Blacks crush the Portugal Team in the Rugby World Cup game. Rugby is an incredibly strange sport. We've watched it a couple times and have no clue what's going on. They pummel each other and don't wear helmets or pads. They probably think US football players are a bunch of girls.

On Sunday we went to the local fish market and saw tons of fresh fish for sale. It was gross, but cool. We stopped at Albert Park and sat by the fountain while the pigeons cooed around our feet. Do pigeons coo? From there we headed to Davonport where there is an extinct volcanoe. We went to the top of that and looked around. After that we went to a place called Kelly Tarlton's Underwater World. It had lots of fish ,sting rays, sharks, penguins, and turtles. It was a nice weekend away.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Wing ding ding ding ding!

That's what Dave and I say when we see a scooter putzing along on the road. It sounds a lot cooler than how it looks typed out. Anyways, I've been wanting to get a scooter for a while and we had been eyeing one on an Ebay-like website. Yesterday we decided to click the "Buy Now" button and become owners of a red Yamaha Razz. It came with a sweet helmet as well. It will be my mode of transportation into town...or the beach, while Dave is working (he's still looking for a job, but something will come up soon).

To Dye or Not to Dye

Today as I was browsing through the local pharmacy I checked out their hair dying boxes, just for fun. For you hair chameleons you probably know that a box of hair dye from Wal-Mart costs around $3-$5, give or take a few dollars depending on brand. Here the boxes cost at least $15. Crazy!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Water is Cold

I figured I would blog about the first week and from then on, every once in a while or at least not as detailed.

The other day Dave and I went to the beach after I was finished working. I took my ipod and a book to read while Dave went snorkeling. Right now it's winter and the temperature is usually around 60 degrees. Dave figured the water shouldn't be that cold, but that didn't mean I was going to hop on in with him. After about a half hour of listening to my ipod, Dave finally emerged from the water. He didn’t look too cold at first, but when he made it back, he towled off and crawled into a ball on the blanket. I began covering him with every article of clothing I could find to keep him warm. He decided it was time to go home, so he went to the car and I gathered everything up. We made the car a moving sauna. I was cooking while Dave was freezing.

When we got home Dave hopped in the shower to try and get warm. He felt kind of sick and took a nice long nap. I watched tv and watched over my sick hubby. That night we looked up the symptoms of hypothermia and learned that he had a mild case of hypothermia. He’s all better now.