Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Water is Cold

I figured I would blog about the first week and from then on, every once in a while or at least not as detailed.

The other day Dave and I went to the beach after I was finished working. I took my ipod and a book to read while Dave went snorkeling. Right now it's winter and the temperature is usually around 60 degrees. Dave figured the water shouldn't be that cold, but that didn't mean I was going to hop on in with him. After about a half hour of listening to my ipod, Dave finally emerged from the water. He didn’t look too cold at first, but when he made it back, he towled off and crawled into a ball on the blanket. I began covering him with every article of clothing I could find to keep him warm. He decided it was time to go home, so he went to the car and I gathered everything up. We made the car a moving sauna. I was cooking while Dave was freezing.

When we got home Dave hopped in the shower to try and get warm. He felt kind of sick and took a nice long nap. I watched tv and watched over my sick hubby. That night we looked up the symptoms of hypothermia and learned that he had a mild case of hypothermia. He’s all better now.

1 comment:

Dr. J said...

Daily Medical Advice: Rectal thermometers are very accurate and are ideal for small children....or big children that go swimming in 60 degree water and get hypothermia.