Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sewing Project #5

I started working on this dress while I was waiting for the buttons to my coat. It is a black, cotton, sweatshirt-type material. So it's very soft and warm. The picture makes my arms look a little funny, but that's because the dress has pockets on the sides.

I made the necklace as well. The silver hoop was a lonely earring I found at work, so I decided to make it into a necklace. I went to the local bead shop and bought a black bead, clasp, chain and a few other looptie things to complete it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sewing Project #4

For my next sewing project I had found this plaid material at Salvation Army. I thought it would make a cool jacket.
A messy heap.
Getting there.
Finished. I originally had red buttons but the store I bought them at said the company no longer made them. So I had to switch to white.

The back.
I put a cute polka dot liner on the inside.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Coming Home

Our journey in New Zealand will be coming to an end. We bought tickets last night. On Wednesday, July 30th, Dave and I will be returning to the United States

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Today was a good day. I worked at the cinema this morning, again working on floor instead of candy but that's ok because I could then look for money. The search started off slow. I found only 10 cents in the first cinema. By the way, have I mentioned how it is oh so much fun crawling on my hands and knees inbetween rows of seats with melted ice cream, soft chocolate and squishy gummies to be careful of? Well it is. The next couple cinemas were better. I got up to $11.40 by the time I reached my last cinema, the largest one of all. I had been saving it for last. I started at the bottom and worked my way to the back . I hadn't found anything and was starting to lose hope. As I bent down in the back and last row to find even 10 cents, I saw a piece of paper. I figured it was some flyer or maybe a check someone had lost but as soon as the light hit it, the wonderful print of a $20 note came into view. I couldn't believe it! $20! My total was now $31.40. But it didn't end there. After another session of films had ended, I went inside to clean theater 2 with no intention of searching for money, but there it was, in plain daylight, another $2 coin. I also found another 20 cents in another cinema. My grand total for the day was $33.60. Not bad if I do say so myself.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

In Stores Now!

Alright, Little i...remember people, that's the company I'm a graphic designer for, has a new product for the male and female audience called PURE. It's the same thing we make for Little i - mint tins with mirrors inside, but this one is black, very simple with no mention of Little i and it's cute little hearts.

It's in stores now at your local WAL-MART! Or at least it should be. And it only costs 96 CENTS. These tins usually retail from $2.99 to $3.99 in boutique stores. I know some people think Wal-Mart is evil and blah blah blah, but set that silly notion aside for one day and go get yourself some yummy mints. They are right by the checkout stand along with all the other mints and gum. Help us keep our account with Wal-Mart and get our sales up.


P.S. If you buy one, let me know what you think, thoughts, comments, anything. :) It's always nice to have feedback.