Sunday, December 28, 2008

I did it just for you, Kate.

1. What are your nicknames? Tar-Tar, Tar-Tar Sauce, Tar-Face (Thanks Sarah), Tard (Thanks Erin), Twizzlers, Tiny, Tear Bear, Stinky...I think thats all. At least all the ones that were said to my face.

2. Show and/or reality show would you like to be on?America's Next Top Model because they do such fun and interesting modeling challenges and Price is Right because it's a classic, but they would have to bring Bob Barker back.

3. What was the first movie you bought on DVD or VHS? I can only remember the first DVD and that was Antitrust with Rachel Leigh Cook and Ryan Phillipee.

4. What is your favorite scent? Right now, Juicy Couture's Viva La Juicy.

5. If you had one million dollars that you could only spend on yourself, what would you do with it? First off, Kate, it says you can only spend it on yourself, so no house for your parents. I would pay off my student loans, buy a new car, buy a house, and of course buy new clothes. I know, I'm so selfish, but the question requires it.

6. What one place have you visited that you can't forget and want to go back? There's too many...Paris, The Dom, Milford's Sound, Hong Kong...

7. Do you trust easily? ...why do you ask? huh?

8. Do you think before you act, or act before you think? Both, at the same time. Beat that.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy lately? The cold weather, not having a white Christmas and not being with my family for Christmas.

10. Do you have a good body image? HA! I try to though, I really do.

11. What is your favorite fruit? My mom knows this one, WATERMELON!!!

12. What websites do you visit daily? Facebook, LOLcats, Bank of America, Verizon, Joey's List, IMDB, Blogs, Google Maps.

13. What have you been seriously addicted to lately? I'll admit it, I'm reading the Twilight series and I just can't get enough.

14. What is the last song you got stuck in your head? Supermassive Black Hole by Muse. Awesome!

15. What is your favorite item of clothing? Boots and leggings.

16. Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy? No, I usually pour a butt load of sugar on top and eat the cereal without scraping the bottom of the bowl so I can eat all the sugar that sunk to the bottom.

17. What would you do if you found $100 laying on the ground? Get really excited because I find money on the ground to look so cool in a weird sort of way and then like most people pick it up and probably keep it.

18. What items could you not go without during the day? Cell phone, book, blanket (sets are usually cold), and lip gloss.

19. What should you be doing right now? You probably don't want to know, but I was about to go tweeze my eyebrows before I decided to actually fill one of these out.

20. Name 3 people who should be tagged. I'll let you tag yourself.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

Last week Saturday we were invited to an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. Dave and I quick ran to Salvation Army and were fortunate enough to find some sweaters. The party was with Dustin and Janelle Vander Haar, former Dordt students with us, and friends of his from Fuller Seminary.

We mingled and ate lots of yummy treats. We also played a game where there was one line on a piece of paper, and then we would have to write the next line and pass it along to create the rest of the limerick. The line was: When Santa took off in his sleigh... They came out pretty funny. The two best limericks won a prize. Janelle won first place and Dave won second place. We also voted on best ugly Christmas sweater. I won.

Post Thanksgiving

On Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, my brother Josh and his girlfriend Suzy drove down from Frezno, CA to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. Dave and I, ok, mainly if not all Dave, got the food ready for when they would come over. We woke up bright and early to stuff the turkey, get the turkey in the oven, and even start the pumpkin pie.

They arrived around 10:30 or so, which gave us time to do a little Black Friday shopping. Yikes, I know. We first stopped at Target. It was surprizingly calm. Dave was a little disappointed that there weren't more people. He was hoping to have to do a little elbowing and shoving. They were having a big DVD sale, so we bought four new movies: I Am Legend, Hairspray, Juno and Transformers.

Next we stopped at Circuit City. After we had parked and started walking toward the store entrance we saw a line of people waiting outside. Apparently they were letting only a certain amount of people go in at a time. We waited. It wasn't too long of a wait. We didn't find any good sales.

After that we drove home to fill our empty and hungry stomachs. We had stuffing, turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberries, and who knows what else. It was so good. That was the first time Dave ever cooked a whole turkey and it was amazing. Everything was amazing.

Then we went to the living room, all two steps from the table, and played Apples to Apples. It was really fun. Josh technically won because it says to play to 8 points, but in the end, I had more points then him, so I consider it a victory for myself. We had some pumpking pie and then they were off.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So I've been a little neglectful of this blog in the last few months. We celebrated Thanksgiving twice. Actually Dave celebrated it three times. On Wednesday he had a Thanksgiving celebration at school. Everyone brought some food and they had a little party. He brought a really yummy stuffing that he made.

On Thursday we went to Brandon and Kara Newenhuis'. We had so much delicious food that day. Our main meal had ham, sweet potatoes, salads, some frozen cranberry thing and so much else I'm probably forgetting. After that we played a game of Celebrity Charades. It was boys against girls. Everyone chose five famous people and wrote them down on separate pieces of paper. In the first round we had to describe who it was. In the second round we had to act it out. And in the third round we could only use one word. The girls won. :)

Then it was out to the garage for some ping pong. First we played a partners tournament. Dave and Kara were partners and they dominated. Then we went on to some singles games. I played a lot better than I had remembered being able to play. Although I could only beat Dave when he used his right hand. We then went back inside and had some more snack food: chips & salsa, cheese, pickles, crackers. And last but not least, we ended the night with smore cooked over their fireplace. It was really fun and nice to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends and family.