Monday, July 20, 2009

Dave is 26

For Dave's Birthday we first had lunch at the Olive Garden where we both go the soup, salad, and breadsticks special. From there we went to the movie theater and saw the new Harry Potter movie. Don't even get me started on that. After the movie we went home for the party.

The carrot cake was so yummy! Gotta love Costco.
After the snacks, Dr. Mario and chit-chat, the troops made their way to town for some Laser tag.

Dave found a loose shopping cart.

We came back for some awesome carrot cake from Costco. It was Janelle's Birthday the next day, so we celebrated for two.

Make a wish!

Teresa, where did you get that!

The day after Dave's Birthday we went to Six Flags to celebrate his birthday, as well as Janelle's which was the 18th. We arrived at Six Flags around 2:45. It was unbearably hot! The beginning consisted of hopping from shade to shade as we made our way to our first ride, the X2. It was awesome!

Amazingly, every roller coaster we went on was awesome. We also went on one water ride that was moderate. We had hoped it would cool us off, but by the time we got to the front of the line, the sun had gone down.

It was a very fun and exhausting day. We were all glad when it was time to go home.

Craft Fair!

I love me some crafts. Erin, Teresa, Jenny and I went to the 1st Annual Los Angeles Renegade Craft Fair. It was pretty cool. Although a little overwhelming. So many vendors in such a small, poorly ventilated area.

Hoot hoot.
The Swap-O-Rama-Rama area is where you could bring a bag in of your old clothes and do screen printing on them or take someone elses old clothes that they don't want and do something fun and crafty to it.

I'm a gnome. Don't steal me.

We found an awesome photo booth at the fair. Only $2 for this picture.

4th of July

For the 4th of July celebrations, Dave and I met with a bunch of friends outside the Rose Bowl and set up camp.

We started playing a game of Settlers, but that quickly ended.
Hangin' out in the shade.
We had about 6 blankets down and some folding chairs.
We had grilled meat and snacks.
I hadn't quite found the fireworks setting on my camera yet.

The fireworks were mediocre. The hanging out before was fun. The best part was watching cars drive over the curb and waiting for some part of the precious car to scrape and grind in a horrible, yet very hilarious manner.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Erika's Totally 80's Birthday

A few weeks ago we celebrated our friend Erika's birthday. She gave it an 80's theme. We all met at Dustin and Janelle's house in Altadena where we had finger foods, corn dogs, a bon fire, and Rock Band. Here are some of the photos from the fun and crazy party.

Erika found an awesome Thigh Master at a local thrift store.
80's Chicks
We have no idea what Dave's shirt mean, but it looked 80's. Check out that awesome hair puff.

Gotta love the cut-off shorts.
Rock Band and Saved by the Bell. Best combo ever!

Mmm, corndogs.
80's flashback.
Whit is so punk rock! that a hanky?!
Why hello Christian.
Yummy cake!
Birthday girl.

Note the Zack Morris and AC Slater buttons.

So strong.