Friday, November 23, 2007

Our First Thanksgiving

At first I didn't feel like celebrating Thanksgiving. I just wasn't really in the mood because we wouldn't be with family or friends, plus it was about 75 degrees outside. Thanksgiving morning I worked online for a few hours and then we headed off to the beach for a nice run. I've never ran on the beach before, and I can now say I rather enjoy it! We went at low tide so the water was out and we could run on the hard flat sand. It's nice on the knees instead of the hard concrete road. We ran about 3km and took a little break, mainly because I told Dave to run at his pace and I'll meet him at the island in the distance. Once I reach him and cooled off a tiny bit, we ran back. I threw off my socks and shoes while Dave grabbed the water from the car. The cold ocean water felt very nice on my hot, sweaty feet. I laid out on the beach while Dave went for a swim. This time it was warm enough that he didn't get hypothermia. Then we soaked up the sun and read on our blanket. After a while, we stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few Thanksgiving dinner supplies and then it was off to the kitchen to prepare everything.

They didn't have pumpkin in a can, so we bought a whole one and made our pie from scratch.

Our cute little chicken cooking. Pie underneath. We even stuffed the chicken with dressing.

Sitting down to a nice Thanksgiving meal with just the two of us. We had chicken, stuffing, corn, mashed potatoes and gravy, fruit and best of all pumpking pie, which by the way, turned out excellent! Kudos to my wonderful chef.
Dave carving the chicken.
All full.

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