Monday, October 29, 2007

Toenail Tails

Please excuse the grossness of feet on your screen, but I'd like to share my injury with all my loyal readers, - hopefully I have a few. A week or so ago I indulged in a seemingly harmless game of tennis with my pastor and a young couple from church. We started off with a simple vollying of the ball to get warmed up. Things progressed and Haley and I were paired off to play a few games. We were equally matched which made it enjoyable. Due to all the sudden stops for wonderful saves of the ball and jamming of the toes in the shoes for all those powerful hits, I painfully injured my beloved toe. Technically toes, but the one big toe got the raw end of the deal. Can you guess which toe it is? I fear a day will come when the dead toenail will fall off.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I proud of you anyways! Did you wear a cute tennis skirt? Maybe we should play when you get back to NA. Miss you!