Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Art of Socializing

Last Saturday Dave and I were invited to Pastor Paul's house for dinner. He is the Pastor at the Welcome Bay Community Church we attended the other week. He invited a few younger adults for us to meet and a couple other people.

When we arrived we stood around the grill and talked until "tea" was ready. I think I've already explained that down here tea means dinner. The food was great. We had some type of beef strips and sausages/brats. There was also salad, a cole slaw and what they called pumpkin. It tasted like a squash.

After dinner we had "pudding", which is dessert. The choices were cream puff eclairs, a pineapple pastry, ice cream and pancakes with butter. Once dessert was over, we played a game called Scruples. You get five cards that have questions on them and then one card that will have either yes, no or maybe. You chose a person you want to ask one of your questions, and if your one card says no, want that person to answer no to your question. An example question would be: "Your fiance gives you a new video camera as a gift. When you agree to break off the engagement you're asked to return the camera. Do you?" If my card said depends, I would want the person to answer with depends. I enjoyed it. Dave wasn't a fan. Its kind of like Apples to Apples, which he doesn't like either. I was actually the winner and Pastor Paul was like, "Whoever wins gets to make supper." I just figured he meant I would make supper the next time we got together. But then he stood up and said, "I'm just kidding, I'll make it." I was like, "Are we eating again?" Apparently supper means drinks, like tea or coffee or hot chocolate. I have discovered that the hot chocolate down here is terrible. They use this powder called Milo and it's disgusting.

All in all, I had a fun night conversing with someone other than just Dave. It was nice to get out and meet new people.

1 comment:

Marco Antonio de Cádiz said...

Olá, Tara e Dave! Estou falando aqui de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Hora local: 01:22. Tempo bom, "Suave é a noite".
Bom passeio, hein. Vocês precisam visitar a Floresta Amazônica e os sertões do Brasil, principalmente, de Minas, Bahia, Sergipe, Pernambuco.


Marco de Cádiz