Wednesday, January 14, 2009

San Diego

Last weekend Dave and I went to San Diego to hang out with his parents. His brother and sister-in-law were able to come as well. Darrel and Mary were booked on a veterinary drug company paid vacation and we were all able to come along and stay at the hotel for free with them.

On Thursday I worked on 90210 until 4pm. I quickly drove home and crazy enough, was home before Dave. He had a class until 5:30. We were out the door around 6 and made it to San Diego around 8:30. We missed out on the free food and snacks at the convention center but went out to eat at an Irish pub. The food was quite tasty.

The next day we had breakfast at the hotel's restaurant called MaryJanes and then drove too Balboa Park. We got "passports" that would give us free entry into most of the museums. First up, the automobile museum.

Check out that hot Ferrari.

Next up, the air and space museum.

The actual Bonnie and Clyde car.

I am top gun.

After the air and space museum we walked over to the Science museum and grabbed a little snack. With our passport we were allowed one free IMAX screening. We watched the one about the ocean. I don't remember all of it because I fell asleep a few times. I think most of us did. I blame it on the IMAX. The screen makes you dizzy, so you have to close your eyes, but then that just makes you fall asleep.

We decided to go our separate ways from there. Everyone went to the Natural History museum except for Bri and and Bri...whatever. We went to the photography museum. We also hit up the San Diego Art Museum.

That night we ate out at a restaurant called RA Sushi. I think we got about 10 rolls of sushi and ate it all. It was so good.

On Saturday we toured the USS Midway. They give you headphones that explain everything on the boat. It's kind of nice, because then you can go at your own pace.

I don't think the Navy would ever let Dave work on an aircraft carrier because he's just too big. He'd always be laying unconcious on the floor because he's hit his head too many times.

Uh oh.

Nathan was bad and sent to the brig.

Nathan and Dave are serious helicopter pilots. (Click on the picture to see the image larger, so you can see their faces.) They mean business.

" I say stop!"

A sculpture recreation of the famous V-J Day kiss. I used to love that famous black and white photo until I read this: "This famous kiss photo was taken on V-J Day in Times Square. The photo was plastered all over newspapers and was seen as a symbol of a new era of peace, love and hope. The truth of the matter was that this soldier was kissing every woman in the square and this nurse in particular slapped the sailor. " I still like it. I guess will just remember it the way I think it is.

I didn't slap Dave after he kissed me and he wasn't running around kissing all the women.

We then headed to Point Loma to see the tidepools. Unfortunately, when we got there, the tidepools had been closed for the rest of the day because there were too many people already there. We went to the lighthouse and looked around the park.
Father off in the distance we could see a whale spouting out water. It was too far to see any part of the body, but you could see a spray of water every now and then.

Group photo.

A little about the hotel. It was really cool. Since it was the Hard Rock Hotel, it was all music based. They had pieces of clothing from famous singers. Band names painted on the walls. Photos of famous singers and bands. In our room they had pink embroidered guitars on our pillows. A black guitar pick sticker held our toilet paper roll. And lots of other fun details.

Here's our incredibly expensive mini bar that was completely off limits. Although when we arrived at the hotel, they hadn't completely restocked everything and tried to charge us for three large bottles of water and a bottle of wine that came to around $80 or something like that. Luckily we got that taken off our bill. The design on the mirror is kind of their logo design. It's on their clothes in the gift shop, on your towels, on their pads of paper, etc.

It was such a wonderful trip and vacation. It was really nice that Dave's parents invited us and were able to get us our own room at the hotel and pamper us for the weekend.


Janelle said...

you guys did a good job at the sailor kiss.

Anonymous said...

Nice, it looks like you guys had a great time in San Diego. I didn't know that about the WWII statue!!