Monday, December 24, 2007

Sewing Sensation

After making our Christmas tree I had a lot of the purple silk material left. I didn't want to just throw it away so I decided to make something else out of it. A shirt seemed like a good idea, seeing as how I've never made something from scratch before, didn't have any type of pattern to follow, and am without a sewing machine. Sounds great. I started cutting away and hoped for the best. It started out nicely. I had sewn a few hems on the top of the shirt and moved on to the straps. I didn't know exactly how they would turn out. My first one looked terrible. I had taken about a day (or two) to sew three long strips of material to braid into one of the straps. The edges were frayed and would not do at all. I started all over and came up with a much better solution. The shirt took about 5 days. I'm happy how it turned out, especially for my first major project.
The freshly cut pieces of material.
The finished product.

The back view. There is an invisible zipper on the side which allows me to put the shirt on.

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